Monday, January 08, 2007

Muhammad Haque Daily World Commentary exposing the lies of the Tony Blair regime which has fostered lies for the diastrous Tower Hamlets Council

Muhammad Haque Daily World Commentary

1210 Hrs GMT

London Monday 8 January 2007

Today’s Daily Mail paints Gordon Brown – for the very first time in the ten years since the official Tories were replaced as the so-called party of government in the UK – in an almost positive way. At least their main headline appears to suggest that they are prepared, for the sake of their business, to accept Brown as 'almost preferable to the Tory Blair'.
For the time being, any way.

Their headline to the two pages spread on Brown says that he is set to change things. Says the Daily Mail [3rd edition, pages 8-9, The Daily Mail, London, Monday 8 January 2007] “Brown: I’ll right Blair’s wrongs”. The subheading underneath reads, “Education, Iraq, sleaze…the chancellor vows it will all be different when he’s in No 10”. By-lined to the former Daily Telegraph man Benedict Brogan [an arch right-winger, as should be expected to be given platforms on the Daily Mail or in the Daily Telegraph], the main [Daily] Mail piece is essentially a factual one setting out Brown’s proposed agenda, as based on the BBC1 interview with Andrew [Time-server, careerist] Maar on Sunday [7 January 2007].

One of the statements the Daily Mail attributes to Brown is this: he [Brown] wanted a government of all the talents, and that doesn’t mean the talents of just one political party. ‘I think we’ve got to use the talents of the wider community in government’.

Elsewhere in the same Daily Mail spread on Gordon Brown, parliamentary sketch writer Quentin Letts has his views summed up in the headline, “The latest stage in the crafting of Gordon the Statesman”.

Letts takes advantage of the occasion to have yet another appropriate dig at Cherie Booth [who fancies her Booth name as an allegedly professional name in her career as a lawyer, which fact only became known to the public – that she was a lawyer] after Blair entered 10 Downing Street on 2 May 1997.

The Cherie Blair link that Letts makes is with the utter absolute sleaze that the Blair ‘regime’ symbolises.
It is also the case that it has been the Daily Mail group that has doen the most to put in the public domain the factual chronicles of Tony and Cherie Blair’s sleazeball careers alongside their official careers as [in that order] the Prime Minsiter and the spouse.

To see this in the Daily Mail on the very day that the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council is forced to actually issue a string of statements contradicting something that one of Blair’s ministers has said or done is another [mini] historic occasion.

For the past two years, Tower Hamlets has been the most lied-for Council cliques anywhere in England by the Blair regime. The Tony Blair regime has lied for Tower Hamlets corrupt clique to shield it from true, truthful and legitimate criticisms.
And until May 2005, the Blair regime had a direct, almost daily [if not more frequent and more private] link with the corrupt clique via the parliamentary seat of Bethnal Green and Bow which was occupied by one of Blair’s most promoted symbols of pro-war, pro-intolerance careerism in the name of gender, ethnicity and so on.

Oona King who was widely felicitated as being a definitive epitome of whatever it was that they called ‘Blair Babes’. She frequently used her position as ‘the local MP’ for one of the two constituencies situated in Tower Hamlets, to unhesitatingly, over zealously brag about the alleged achievements of Tower Hamlets Council.

She is on record as having formally invited Blair, in that remarkable example of her abusing her position of being a Blair Babe when she was allowed to put her version of the dud question at Prime Minister's Question Time on 17 June 1998.
Her promotion of the corrupt clique on Tower Hamkest Coucnil was too pathetic and too stupid to warrant a quotation here.

That the subject matter of this week’s criticism of Tower Hamkest Council AS THE LOCAL EDUCATION [!!!!} Authority is the appaling lack of education – not to even start talking about the standard thereof- being provided in most of the schools situated in Tower Hamlets and controlled by the corrupt clique on the Council, is significant on several levels. For now, the significance is that from this episode on, Tower Hamkest Coucnil controlling clique is NOT going to be able to deny that schools in the borough are failing so miserably that even a Minister who is very closely linked with the clique in control on the Council, has no confidence in the schools. No matter what damage limitation exercise that they [all three sides – the so-called Opposition, the Tower Hopeless Council and the Blair regime] are now getting upto, this fact will no longer be deniable. For a very long time as far as inner cities schools and the role they play in destroying lives of generations of children that are forced to endure them are concerned.

Britain’s ‘Communities and Cohesion’ Minister has exposed in a single decision, the utter, abject lies that Blair has built around the entire 10 years of his so-called regimen in this country. They have been lying through their teeth and every other outlet that they have physically and rhetorically. They have been lying to the people on all key issues. They have been lying against the people. The truth is bound to come out on all their remaining, as yet unexposed lies. But the even more stunning truth is the idiocy of the pathetic Conservative leader Cameron. He has still not got it.

To be continued